9 Things I’m Grateful For

Let’s be thankful, period.

Thanksgiving is a time of year where we all seem to be more “thankful” than usual… but let’s try to keep it going ALL year, it makes a difference.

This year, I’m really giving some thought to the THANKS part of the day and here’s what I’ve come up with.

I challenge you to spend a little time thinking about what you’re thankful for this thanksgiving weekend (and beyond), it’s something I want to really focus on doing every single day of the week. It just really helps to make the every day so much more meaningful.

You’ll notice in my list below that some of the things I’m grateful for are conventional and some of them are really non-conventional and seemingly a little less “important,” but after all these are the things we need to be even more grateful for.

I hope my list inspires you to keep on being grateful for the little things.

9 Things I’m Grateful For:

  1. Kindness.

    • I’m grateful for those people in my every day who are kind to me, and show me (and those around them) compassion- whether I know them or not. Thank you. To all of you who practice kindness, it goes a LONG way.
  2. My body.

    • This body is one hell of a body, and I’m grateful for it. For all it’s aches and pains for telling me I’m doing too much, and for the way it feels. Thank you.
  3. Quiet mornings.

    • I love being busy, but I also love being quiet, and I’m grateful for the mornings I allow myself the time to be silent.
  4. Digestive bitters.

    • LOL, but boy are they helpful. Thank you bitters! They’re good for your liver, and for helping your body to process all the shit it processes every day- send me a message to inquire about what I use!
  5. The green plants in my home.

    • They ground me, center me, make me feel comforted when I’m stressed. They’re so helpful in so many ways. If you don’t have any in your home I suggest you find some.
  6. My pups.

    • As an only child, I was often lonely, and getting my doggies has shown me a whole new side of life. There’s nothing better than a dog.
  7. My crazy ADD brain.

    • Oh this brain. It’s frustrating so often, but it’s also so creative and thoughtful, and without it none of this creative space that my business exists in would be possible.
  8. My family.

    • I can’t make a list of gratitude without including them. Thank you to my mom and my dad for your endless support, I need it, often.
  9. The injuries I get.

    • Oh boy is my body good at coming up with injuries. And shit they’re so annoying. But every time I get one, I slow down, re-evaluate what’s important and find a new and better way to move forward. The most recent, has been a nagging foot injury- and though it slowed me down in the most annoying of ways, it’s been wonderful. So thank you.

There are plenty of things I’m grateful for beyond this list, and my challenge to myself is to keep it growing, because with time it only gets better!

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