July 30th, 2015
5 Essential Oils for Allergy Relief
Allergies…aren’t they the worst? I totally agree! Although it’s not peak allergy season, there are always seasonal/environmental and other similar irritants that can pop up and cause rashes, sinus blockage and other allergy-related symptoms. There are many remedies that can be purchased over the counter from the drugstore; however, there are also a number of remedies that are less thought-of that may be a good option to trial before the over-the-counter remedies when it comes to providing natural relief – like for example these 5 essential oils that may be helpful when providing you some relief from many common and seasonal allergies.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that have been extracted from plants and contain not only an aroma but also some medicinal properties that can be fairly powerful too for certain issues.
5 Essential Oils for Allergy Relief:
1. Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil naturally contains calming, anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties. Lavender oil generally works well with skin rashes, eczema, and general irritation; it also works well to help soothe respiratory allergies.
How to use it?
Use a carrier oil like sweet almond oil and add 1-2 drops, then apply directly to the irritated area; another way to use lavender oil is to use 1-2 drops of the oil itself (no carrier oil) and apply directly to temples, wrists or forehead. Be cautious because the oil is very strong when used alone and therefore it’s important to trial out what works best for your skin irritation before applying the undiluted oil to skin.
2. Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint essential oil may also help to ease allergies that can affect the respiratory and digestive tracts because it’s soothing, cooling, and anti-inflammatory. It also has a strong aroma that may help to clear respiratory blockage and provide soothing relief as well.
How to use it?
Dilute peppermint oil with a carrier oil like sweet almond oil and add 1-2 drops of the peppermint oil then apply to chest, forehead or cheeks for respiratory relief. For digestive relief, add 1-2 drops to either hot or cold water.
3. Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus oil is extracted from the eucalyptus leaf and may help to support the respiratory system, and soothe and ease seasonal allergies and asthma for some. Eucalyptus oil has a stronger aroma than some other essential oils, so this one should be used more sparingly.
How to use it?
Add 1-2 drops to a diffuser or a steam inhaler. If you’re holding your head over a homemade steam inhaler like a hot pot with the oil in the water, you should use a wet/damp towel to cover your eyes to avoid irritation.
4. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
Roman chamomile essential oil has long been used for its skin soothing properties and also for aromatherapy (diffusing the scent into the air for relaxation purposes). Roman chamomile may help with topical rashes and irritations like eczema and other similar rashes also prompted by allergies. Roman chamomile oil may also be used in its undiluted form directly on an insect bite (1-2 drops) for itch relief.
How to use it?
For most cases, dilute 2-3 drops of chamomile oil in a carrier oil like coconut oil or sweet almond oil and apply to skin rash. If using for itch-relief from a bug bite you may be able to add the oil directly to the affected area, but it’s always a good idea to go light with this because everyone’s skin reacts in a different way.
5. Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil is the last on our list here, but certainly not the least important. Lemon essential oil works both topically and may also help to clear congestion in the respiratory tract as it contains cooling, anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, when it comes to respiratory issues, lemon essential oil may help to relieve excess mucus and/or may also help to increase blood flow in the body that may be helpful with reducing congestion.
How to use it?
Lemon oil is particularly powerful when used in conjunction with lavender and peppermint oils. To use with lavender and peppermint oils, use a diffuser and add equal parts lemon, peppermint and lavender oils. You can also mix together equal parts lavender, lemon and peppermint oils and apply directly to forehead, chest and behind ears. To help reduce intensity of the oils it’s a good idea to blend the mixture into a carrier oil like sweet almond oil. While lemon oil blends well with lemon, peppermint and lavender essential oils for use, you can also use lemon oil by itself and either add 1-2 drops to carrier oil or add 1-2 drops to hot or cold water for a soothing drink.
This post was originally written for Reboot with Joe- click here for the original article.