10 Foods for Healthier Veins

Our circulatory system is the KEY to overall health, making it essential and a crucial focus for us all!

February is heart health month so we’re sharing with you some great and simple foods (and why to include them) that you can start to incorporate to promote the health of your veins/arteries and circulation!

1. Avocado: Avocado is one of our favorite foods – it contains potassium and magnesium both helping to support healthy blood pressure and helping to maintain healthy hydration in the body (key for reducing viscosity in the blood). The fats in avocado help to reduce LDL which helps maintain healthy veins/ arteries and circulation.

2. Fatty fish: Like salmon! Contains Omega 3. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that we cannot make. This type of fat helps us release more nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow. Omega 3’s are also anti-inflammatory.

3. Berries: Berries are typically red, purple, or blue and foods of these colors contain anthocyanin – a key nutrient to reducing inflammation and preventing oxidation. Anthocyanin helps to protect and promote the health of endothelial cells – the lining of the blood vessels!

4. Leafy greens: We LOVE leafy greens here- including bok choy, kale, spinach, romaine, baby greens, and more. These foods contain so many minerals- potassium, magnesium, and more. Leafy greens contain Vitamin K and help to promote better circulation by helping modulate clotting which helps to bring more oxygen to the cells.

5. Cruciferous vegetables: Our favorites are broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. They contain compounds like sulforaphane, flavonoids, and polyphenols, and research has shown that eating these powerhouse veggies can decrease inflammatory markers in the blood. Bonus – these veggies also help to regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. 

6. Celery: Great in juices or as a snack! Celery contains Vitamin K which helps with clotting and circulation, fiber which helps to regulate blood pressure, water which helps with hydration and blood flow, phthalides a plant compound that relaxes the artery walls, as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that support overall vascular health. 

7. Beets! We’re obsessed with the health benefits of beets. They are PACKED with nutrients, anti-inflammatory compounds, and antioxidants. They help our blood vessels to release more nitric oxide and therefore help to dilate the blood vessels improving flow.

8. Herbs and spices: Some of our favorites for heart health are – cinnamon which increase blood flow by relaxing the blood vessels, ginger which helps to lower blood pressure and improve circulation, garlic which helps to prevent clogged arteries and lower blood pressure, turmeric which reduces inflammation, and cayenne containing capsaicin which dilates the blood vessels and helps remove plaque.

9. Pomegranate: These small seeds pack quite a punch! They contain some of the most potent antioxidants – polyphenols (like anthocyanin and tannins). Pomegranate can inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, reduce inflammation in the arteries, improve blood flow, and help prevent clots from forming by reducing the function of platelets. 

10. WATER: Last but not least, we have to talk about water when talking about the circulatory system. A large portion of our blood is made up of water, so adequate hydration is key. When we are dehydrated, our heart has to work harder to pump our blood. Proper hydration also helps to maintain healthy blood vessel walls, which promotes good blood flow. Water also helps to flush toxins and waste products out of our bodies which helps to improve overall circulatory health. 

We LOVE to take great care of our hearts and love to work with clients to help them have a healthier heart, so reach out if you need help with yours! More veggies are better for your entire body so eat up (or drink up!).

Looking for more ways to support a healthier lifestyle? Check out more blog posts on our website!

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