Thanksgiving is all about the turkey, we get it. But let’s not forget the veggies.

I love to have yummy sides to eat for Thanksgiving, and choosing sides that make for good leftovers (and make you feel good too) is top priority.

This year for Thanksgiving we’re not going all veggie, but we’re certainly working on increasing the amount of veggie sides we have at the table– why? Because we love them, not because we have to have them.

One of our key philosophies is that our bodies do better when we have more plants, always. And we definitely don’t think you need to eat the ones you don’t like, but if you do like any of these, let’s make them! These veggies in these recipes are loaded with good-for-you nutrients, and the way I’ve made them, they’re pretty good too.

Remember, the point of Thanksgiving isn’t to feel guilty about what you eat, so choose to include these if they appeal!

Our list of Thanksgiving veggie sides include everything from brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes, to nutrient rich salads and soups. So go ahead and fill your plate- after all it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a feast!

Here they are!

Isabel’s Top 10 Thanksgiving Veggie Sides

#1. Simple roasted Brussels sprouts

#2. Our Favorite Kale Salad with Pomegranate and Avocado

Our Favorite Kale Salad with Pomegranate and Avocado

#3. Roasted Carrot and Avocado Salad

#4. Maple Beet and Spinach Salad

Maple Beet and Spinach Salad

#5. Balsamic Glazed Roasted Beets

Balsamic Glazed Roasted Beets

#6. Chunky Sweet Potato Fries

#7. Simple Roasted Spaghetti Squash and Herbs

#8. Turnip Apple and Butternut Squash Soup

#9. Carrot Red Lentil Chili

Carrot Red Lentil Chili

#10. Natural Cranberry Sauce

Natural Cranberry Sauce

Happy Happy Thanksgiving!

Want more inspo? To see all our recipes just click HERE!